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Koshien: Part 2

The Japanese Way

Mud Soccer

Opening Day

My Toyota Soleil

Nametoko Gorge



Taga Jinja



Dogo Onsen


My Two Zamamis

The Night Bus To Osaka


Tsukiji Fish Market

Katana Odori



Ehime Onsen

Winter Woes


Pro Yakkyu


Welcome to Mima-cho!

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Thanks for visiting! This is my "Memoirs of a Teacher" website, cataloguing my two year stay in rural Shikoku, Japan. I have just finished my second year living in Mima town, working as an English teacher for the small town's middle and elementary schools and occasionally, when the authorities let their guard down, kindergartens.

From the beginning of August until early October, I was backpacking with a friend (still?) around Korea and China. Here's an article about what I saw. Read it on Dogmanet .

Now I have come to New Zealand to continue a stretch of living in strange island nations. England and Japan have been wonderful places to live, and Kiwi Land is no exception. If you plan to be in the 'other' land down under and want to grab a Steinlager, contact me via email. I am currently in Wellington, the windy capital.

If you'd like to read more of my published work, check out the following links. One reviews a performance by the famous Japanese taiko group Kodo and you can read it here. It was published by the Tokyo-based magazine Eye-Ai for its February 2004 issue. The same magazine will be publishing a follow-up to my Koshien article in December 2004.

The second is an informative piece about the onsen (hot springs) in this part of Japan. It was published in December by the Osaka-based Kansai Time Out. You can read it here.

Finally, if you're interested in some fine artwork, check out the professional website of Ruth Askren, my aunt. Find it here.

"And you only arrive at the truth of a situation, or you only think seriously about it, if you write about it. To talk about it is one thing Ebut thought, speech, is full of contradictions. When you write about it, you reach conclusions and you're forced to examine brutally, or dispassionately, the thing you saw. So the writing about it is essential for me. Writing forces you to look very hard at the place." - Paul Theroux



See Pictures Here

And Here

And also here

Sankei Sports Shimbun (Newspaper)

Kyushu Pictures

Taga Jinja Pictures

Urakami Pictures

Festival Pictures

Dogo; Rice Harvest Pictures

Kyushoku, Welcome Party Pictures

Hiroshima Pictures

Tsukiji Pictures

Party Pictures

Ashizuri Pictures

Random Summer Pictures

Katana Odori Pictures

Kindergarten Artwork/Calligraphy

Random Winter Pictures

Random Spring Pictures

More Pictures at Ofoto.com

(email me for the user and password)

Travel Headlines from the New York Times